
This paper discusses a novel observation on cwu- constructions in Korean and shows how it is captured under semantic and syntactic analysis. We suggest three semantic conditions for cwuconstructions: i) Referential Object Condition, ii) Transferability Reading Condition, and iii) Beneficiary Reading Condition. We further argue that the insertion of the argument introduced by cwuis sensitive to the feature of the accusative NP and the meaning established between two elements. Based on the semantic conditions, we present two syntactic structures of the cwuconstruction. To do so, we adopt Pylkkänen’s (2008) two different types of applicatives: high applicatives and low applicatives. For the Applied Argument Allowing Cwu- (AA Cwu-) construction, the low applicative head which relates an additional participant to the accusative NP is merged with VP. For the Beneficiary Allowing Cwu- (BA Cwu-) construction, on the other hand, the high applicative head which introduces benefactive NP is merged with vP, which forms a phase. We propose that the meaning relationship between the applied argument and the accusative NP is established when there is no phase intervening.

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