
In the dynamic 3D shape measurement phase distribution has 3D character, in which phase changes along x and y directions in space and also along t direction in time. 3D phase unwrapping plays a very important role in the dynamic 3D shape measurement. In the dynamic 3D shape measurement methods based on the structured illumination, Fourier transformation profilometry (FTP) is particularly fit for dynamic 3D measurement, because of only one fringe pattern needed and full field analysis. In this paper some 3D phase unwrapping techniques for dynamic 3D shape measurement mainly in our Lab. are presented and reviewed. The basic methods and algorithm design are introduced. The basic methods include direct 3D phase unwrapping, 3D diamond phase unwrapping, 3D phase unwrapping based on reliability ordering, 3D phase unwrapping based on marked fringe tracing. The advantage of the phase unwrapping based on reliability ordering is that the path of phase unwrapping is always along the direction from the pixel with higher reliability parameter value to the pixel with low reliability parameter value. Therefore, in the worse case the error is limited, if there is any, to local minimum areas.

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