
We have studied nonequilibrium lattice gases whose particles are driven by a field. The lattice is either a half-occupied square lattice or else the union of two energetically uncoupled ones. Monte Carlo simulations of the latter, which is always crossed by a dissipative particle current, show a tricritical point and a continuum of Ising-like critical points as the field is decreased, in addition to non-Ising, anisotropic critical behavior at higher temperatures for saturating fields. A comparison of the various phase transitions involved, and a detailed study of scaling of correlations with system size, indicate the relevance of the anisotropic liquid-vapor interface ~rather than the driving field! for inducing non-Ising behavior in a class of systems. It is likely that some of the properties reported here are experimentally observable. @S1063-651X~96!07506-X#

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