
The isothermal section of the Nd–Ga–Si phase diagram at 870K was constructed using X-ray phase analysis. Two ternary phases with a wide homogeneity ranges were found in the NdGa2 − xSix section: ∼NdGa1.32 − 0.92Si0.68 − 1.08 (structure type α-ThSi2, space group I41/amd, Pearson code tI12) and ∼NdGa0.86 − 0.68Si1.14 − 1.32 (structure type α-GdSi2, space group Imma, Pearson code oI12). The binary gallides NdGa2+x (structure type AlB2), NdGa (structure type CrB) and Nd9Ga4 (structure type Sm9Ga4) dissolve 15, 30 and 12at.% Si, respectively, whereas the binary silicides NdSi1.8 (structure type α-GdSi2) and NdSi (structure type FeB) dissolve 6 and 7at.% Ga, respectively. The solubility of the third component in other binary compounds does not exceed 5at.%.

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