
In this paper we consider the numerical solution of a phase retrieval problem for a compactly supported, linear spline with the Fourier transform , where values of |f| and at finitely many equispaced nodes are given. The unknown phases of complex spline coefficients fulfil a well-structured system of nonlinear equations. Thus the phase reconstruction leads to a nonlinear inverse problem, which is solved by a multilevel strategy and iterative Tikhonov regularization. The multilevel strategy concentrates the main effort of the solution of the phase retrieval problem in the coarse, less expensive levels and provides convenient initial guesses at the next finer level. On each level, the corresponding nonlinear system is solved by an iteratively regularized Gauss–Newton method. The multilevel strategy is motivated by convergence results of IRGN. This method is applicable to a wide range of examples as shown in several numerical tests for noiseless and noisy data.

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