
Phase field simulation on directional solidification of succinonitine (SCN)-acetone organic model alloy was performed. The developiuent of concentration and phase field profile was calculated in order to clarify the uependences of growth velectiy V and temperature gradient G on the morphology of growing crystal. Concerning the primary dendrite arm spacing λ 1 , the relationship between λ 1 4 G 2 /kΔT 0 and V was examined, where k and ΔT 0 are partition coefficient and temperature difference between liquid andsolid phases. respectively. The calculated values of λ 1 4 G 2 V/kΔT 0 did not show a universal relationship but the friends of the present calculation can be understood by extrapolation from experimental data. The power law index of V for the λ 1 4 G 2 V/kΔT 0 -V plot took similar values between the experiments and the present calculation for some cases. The λ 1 -V relationship did not show depcndences on temperature of the low temperature side and nor acetone concentration. For the curvature radius R, the R--V relationship can be fitted by a simple function regardless the value of G. In addition, the calculated values of R and the power low indexes of V for R were compared to the dendrite growth theory and good accordance was confirmed.

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