
While they are known for years to be the main source of equiaxed grains in metallurgical processes such as casting, melting and remelting phenomena currently receive an increasing attention owing to the developments of additive manufacturing. In multiphase alloys, i.e. having a eutectic or peritectic microstructure, these phenomena still remain poorly documented. In this work, the solidification and subsequent remelting of peritectic alloys have been studied using phase field simulations, with emphasis on the influence of the peritectic equilibrium, that yields the peritectic reaction L+β→α below the peritectic temperature and the reverse peritectic reaction α→L+β above. During solidification, the growth of the peritectic α phase has little influence on the growth of the pro-peritectic β phase. On the other hand, the evolution during remelting of a previously solidified peritectic microstructure is more complex and involves temperature gradient zone melting and liquid film migration phenomena. Close to the peritectic temperature, the reverse peritectic reaction is driven by liquid film migration, and some scenarii are evidenced depending on whether the growth takes place without triple junction from a pure α phase or with a triple junction along the α/β interface. At the scale of the mushy zone, the Temperature Gradient Zone Melting phenomenon also occurs but remains incomplete at the time scale investigated here. Finally, a new mechanism for fragmentation, induced by the reverse peritectic reaction during remelting, has been identified.

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