
A thermodynamic analysis of phase equilibria in the Cu–Al–Cr–O system is carried out. Thermodynamic modeling of the liquidus surface of the Cu2O–Al2O3–Cr2O3 oxide phase diagram is performed. To describe activities of an oxide melt, the approximation of the theory of subregular ionic solutions, the energy parameters of which were determined during modeling, is used. Melting characteristics of the CuCrO2 compound are also evaluated in the course of the calculation. Coordinates of invariant equilibria points implemented in the Cu2O–Al2O3–Cr2O3 ternary oxide system are established by the results of the calculation. Thermodynamic modeling of interaction processes in the Cu–Al–Cr–O system in occurrence conditions of a copper-based metal melt is also performed. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant of the reaction that characterizes the formation of the CuCrO2 solid compound from components of the metal melt of the Cu–Al–Cr–O system is determined. The temperature dependence for the first-order interaction parameter (by Wagner) of chromium and oxygen dissolved in liquid copper is found. The results of thermodynamic modeling for the Cu–Al–Cr–O system are presented in the form of the solubility surface of components in metal, which makes it possible to attribute the quantitative variations in the metal melt concentration with qualitative variations in the composition of forming interaction products. It is determined by the results of modeling that particles of the |Al2O3, Cr2O3|sol.sln solid solution are formed at valuable aluminum and chromium concentrations in the copper melt of the Cu–Al–Cr–O system as the main interaction product. The results of the investigation can be interesting for improving the technology process of smelting of chromium bronzes.

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