
The isothermal dissolution equilibrium method and Schreinemakers’ method were employed to study the two ternary systems (KCl + KB5O8 + H2O) and (K2SO4 + KB5O8 + H2O) at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the solubilities, physicochemical properties (density, ρ, and refractive index, nD) for these two systems were determined experimentally. In both ternary systems, there are one eutectic point, two solubility isotherm curves, and two crystallization zones corresponding to potassium pentaborate tetrahydrate (KB5O8·4H2O, PP4), and sylvite (KCl, Sy) in the former system or arcanite (K2SO4, Ar) in the later. For the both ternary systems, the refractive indices and densities first increased gradually to reach their maximum values at the invariant points, but then decreased with increase in concentration of potassium chloride (in the former system) or potassium sulfate (in the latter system) in the solution. Both ternary systems belong to hydrate type Ι, and neither double salts nor solid solution are formed.

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