
FeyTe1−xSex, an archetypical iron-based high-temperature superconductor with a simple structure but rich physical properties, has attracted lots of attention because the two end compositions, Se content x = 0 and 1, exhibit antiferromagnetism and nematicity, respectively, making it an ideal candidate for studying their interactions with superconductivity. However, what is clearly lacking to date is a complete phase diagram of FeyTe1−xSex as functions of its chemical compositions since phase separation usually occurs from x ∼ 0.6 to 0.9 in bulk crystals. Moreover, fine control of its composition is experimentally challenging because both Te and Se are volatile elements. Here we establish a complete phase diagram of FeyTe1−xSex, achieved by high-throughput film synthesis and characterization techniques. An advanced combinatorial synthesis process enables us to fabricate an epitaxial composition-spread FeyTe1−xSex film encompassing the entire Se content x from 0 to 1 on a single piece of CaF2 substrate. The micro-region composition analysis and X-ray diffraction show a successful continuous tuning of chemical compositions and lattice parameters, respectively. The micro-scale pattern technique allows the mapping of electrical transport properties as a function of relative Se content with an unprecedented resolution of 0.0074. Combining with the spin patterns in literature, we build a detailed phase diagram that can unify the electronic and magnetic properties of FeyTe1−xSex. Our composition-spread FeyTe1−xSex films, overcoming the challenges of phase separation and precise control of chemical compositions, provide an ideal platform for studying the relationship between superconductivity and magnetism.

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