
Logarithmic dispersion relations are shown to be applicable to the determination of the phase of the structure factor of surface layers probed by neutron and x-ray reflectivity. For certain profiles it is shown that the phase \ensuremath{\Phi}(q) of the structure factor F(q) is determined entirely by the observed reflectivity R(q) through the modified Hilbert transform \ensuremath{\Phi}(q)=2q/\ensuremath{\pi}${\mathcal{F}}_{0}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{\infty}}}$ ln[\ensuremath{\Vert}F(q')\ensuremath{\Vert}/\ensuremath{\Vert}F(q)\ensuremath{\Vert}]/(${\mathit{q}}^{2}$-q${\mathcal{'}}^{2}$)dq', where q is the momentum transfer, and F(q) is related to R(q) and the Fresnel reflectivity via R(q)=${\mathit{R}}_{\mathit{F}}$(q)\ensuremath{\Vert}F(q)${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Vert}}}^{2}$.

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