
The effect of confinement on phase behavior of simple fluids is still an area of intensive research. In between experiment and theory, molecular simulation is a powerful tool to study the effect of confinement in realistic porous materials, containing some disorder. Previous simulation works aiming at establishing the phase diagram of a confined Lennard-Jones-type fluid, concentrated on simple pore geometries (slits or cylinders). The development of the Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo technique by Panagiotopoulos [Mol. Phys. 61, 813 (1987)], greatly favored the study of such simple geometries for two reasons. First, the technique is very efficient to calculate the phase diagram, since each run (at a given temperature) converges directly to an equilibrium between a gaslike and a liquidlike phase. Second, due to volume exchange procedure between the two phases, at least one invariant direction of space is required for applicability of this method, which is the case for slits or cylinders. Generally, the introduction of some disorder in such simple pores breaks the initial invariance in one of the space directions and prevents to work in the Gibbs ensemble. The simulation techniques for such disordered systems are numerous (grand canonical Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, histogram reweighting, N-P-T+test method, Gibbs-Duhem integration procedure, etc.). However, the Gibbs ensemble technique, which gives directly the coexistence between phases, was never generalized to such systems. In this work, we focus on two weakly disordered pores for which a modified Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo technique can be applied. One of the pores is geometrically undulated, whereas the second is cylindrical but presents a chemical variation which gives rise to a modulation of the wall potential. In the first case almost no change in the phase diagram is observed, whereas in the second strong modifications are reported.

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