
A pharmacy program to improve the handling of antineoplastic drug products in a pediatric hospital is described. To correct deficiencies in the preparation and administration of cancer chemotherapy, the pharmacy department in conjunction with pediatric hematology-oncology physicians prepared a cancer chemotherapy manual. Included in the manual were (1) policies and procedures for the ordering, preparation, delivery, administration, and disposal of chemotherapy; (2) a flow sheet to facilitate ordering of daily chemotherapy doses and allow pharmacists to double-check dosage calculations of physicians; (3) drug information monographs on various antineoplastic agents used in the hospital; and (4) a reference chart containing information about the reconstitution, dilution, stability, storage, administration, and special-handling precautions for chemotherapy. Upon the recommendation of the hematology-oncology staff and with the approval of the hospital administration, the pharmacy obtained a vertical laminar-airflow hood and expanded its services to include preparation of all cancer chemotherapy for inpatients. Procedures were implemented to document delivery of chemotherapy to the nursing unit and to ensure proper acquisition and charting of chemotherapy doses given by physicians. Pharmacy involvement has improved control of the handling and administration of cancer chemotherapy in the hospital and has increased the safety of patients and hospital personnel.

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