
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is a disease which affects both children (juvenile-onset RRP) and adults (adult-onset RRP). While a greater amount of information is known about the epidemiology of juvenile-onset than adult-onset RRP, fundamental work is still needed to more fully describe areas such as the mode of transmission. The primary management approach focuses on the removal of the papillomas by surgical debulking, although persistence of the human papillomavirus genome and subsequent recurrence of disease is the typical outcome. In a minority of patients, surgical management must be supplemented with adjuvant medical therapy, with IFN being the best studied and most commonly used. Other adjuvant treatments being employed include photodynamic therapy, indole-3-carbinol, ribavirin and cidofovir. Large controlled trials are lacking for all but IFN, making it extremely difficult to assess clinical benefit and risk in a systematic fashion at the current time. As with surgical management, viral persistence occurs following treatment with these adjuvant modalities, further contributing to the challenge of managing patients with this potentially devastating disease.

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