
As there are various drugs and different treatment strategies to delay ejaculation, a review of the current drug treatments for premature ejaculation is relevant for daily clinical practice. There are four premature ejaculation subtypes: lifelong premature ejaculation, acquired premature ejaculation, variable premature ejaculation and subjective premature ejaculation. These premature ejaculation subtypes vary in the duration of the intravaginal ejaculation latency time, their course in life and frequency of early ejaculations. Drug treatment is mainly required for lifelong and acquired premature ejaculation. On the other hand, counseling, psychoeducation and local anesthetics are particularly indicated for variable premature ejaculation and subjective premature ejaculation. Apart from the efficacy of various drugs, drugs against premature ejaculation can be taken on-demand or on a daily basis. However, apart from the on-demand use of dapoxetine, all other premature ejaculation treatments are off-label. Drug treatment is the first choice of treatment for lifelong premature ejaculation and may also be indicated for acquired premature ejaculation. Together with the patient, the clinician can choose which drug and which treatment strategy is most suitable for the patient and his partner.

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