
Tamaka Shwasa is considered to be a dreadful disease as it is yapya (hard to treat) and ashuprananashakari (destroys the life very fast) and has high prevalence in society and presents in vegas (attacks) and dyspnoea as its cardinal symptom. Ayurveda describes detailed line of treatment for Tamaka shwasa which includes shodhana, shamana, and brihana for apunarbhava. Shamana dravyas indicated in tamaka shwasa should be kaphavatashamaka, amapachana and anulomana. Maharasona is a dravya possessing katu madhur pradhan pancharasa, teekshna-ushna guna ushnaveerya, katuvipaka and vatakaphahara. Total 30 patients of Tamaka shwasa were selected as per inclusion criteria and treated with Maharasona (Allium porrum Lambinon et al.) Kalka 3 grams twice a day before meals with water. Incidence of agnimandya and kasa was observed very much associated with shwasa and kujanadhwani as its cardinal symptom. Maharasona kalka showed significant improvement in symptoms like shwasakruchrata, agnimandya, kaphanishtheevana, jwara and peenasa. This improvement may be due to its above said gunas. Hence, from this study, it can be concluded that Maharasona is effective and can be safely used in the management of Tamaka Shwasa.


  • Dravyagunshastra, an integral part of Ayurveda deals with the knowledge of the dravyas, its gunakarma and mode of its application and shows its glimpses in ashtangas of Ayurveda

  • 30 cases of Tamaka Shwasa were selected from Out Patient Department at random

  • Tamaka Shwasa or otherwise diagnosed as Bronchial asthma is the common disease, affecting millions of the population and this prevalence is going on increasing. It is identified as an important problem and though yapya (9), detailed description about its chikitsa aspects is found in samhitas

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Dravyagunshastra, an integral part of Ayurveda deals with the knowledge of the dravyas, its gunakarma and mode of its application and shows its glimpses in ashtangas of Ayurveda. Its proper use leads to health while improper use becomes the cause of disease.(1). The history of dravyagunshastra can be traced back to the Vedic period. Samhitas show classification of dravyas in different aspects, but are mainly used on pharmacological properties. Drug descriptions are available with their pharmacology and therapeutics. Nighantus exhibit a still better, wide and detailed descriptions of dravyas, which are especially the texts on dravyaguna. The morphology, synonyms, properties, pharmacological actions, therapeutics and the classification of individual drugs are available. Different properties and therapeutic indications described in Nighantus provides a wide area of research with single drugs in different diseases and in different views

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