
Itraconazole is a triazole antifungal agent that has a broad spectrum of activity and is well tolerated. Itraconazole is highly efficacious, particularly because its main metabolite, hydroxy-itraconazole, also has considerable antifungal activity. The original capsule formulation of itraconazole may lead to variability in absorption and the plasma concentration. For the treatment of superficial fungal infections, this is not problematical because itraconazole accumulates at the infection site, making consistently high plasma concentrations unnecessary -- a characteristic that has been exploited in the development of a pulse regimen. Because consistent plasma concentrations are critical for the more serious systemic fungal infections, variable absorption of itraconazole from the capsules limits their application. Moreover, underlying disease processes and medical interventions can reduce absorption from the capsules in some patients with systemic fungal infections. To widen the beneficial application of itraconazole to include such patients, an oral solution and an intravenous formulation were developed. These formulations combine lipophilic itraconazole with hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin, a ring of substituted glucose molecules, which improves the solubility of itraconazole. The enhanced absorption and bioavailability of itraconazole from these new formulations make them ideal for the treatment of systemic fungal infections in a wide range of patient populations. The additional flexibility offered by the different routes of administration also means that itraconazole can be used in patients at high risk, such as children or those requiring intensive care, for whom the capsule formulation may be impractical.

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