
Background: The efficacy of topical treatments in alleviating neuropathic pain is well-established. However, there is a paucity of research on topical interventions designed specifically for intra-oral application, where the tissue composition differs from that of exposed skin. Methods: This comprehensive review endeavors to assess the extant evidence regarding the efficacy of topical treatments in addressing neuropathic pain within the oral cavity. Utilizing combinations of search terms, we conducted a thorough search across standard electronic bibliographic databases-MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase, Google Scholar, and Up to Date. The variables under scrutiny encompassed topical treatment, local intervention, chronic oral and orofacial pain, and neuropathic pain. All pertinent studies published in the English language between 1992 and 2022 were included in our analysis. Results: Fourteen relevant manuscripts were identified, primarily consisting of expert opinions and case reports. The comprehensive review suggests that topical treatments, especially when applied under a stent, could be effective in mitigating neuropathic pain in the oral area. However, it is crucial to conduct further studies to confirm these preliminary results. The limitations of the reviewed studies, mainly the reliance on expert opinions, small sample sizes, inconsistent study designs, and a lack of long-term follow-up data, highlight the need for more rigorous research. Conclusions: Although initial findings indicate topical treatments may be effective for oral neuropathic pain, the limitations of current studies call for more thorough research. Further comprehensive studies are essential to validate the efficacy of these treatments, standardize procedures, and determine long-term results. This will provide clearer guidance for treating chronic neuropathic pain in the oral cavity.

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