
The present study was undertaken to explore the anticarcinogenic, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant screening of the hydro-methanolic leaves extract of Azardirchta indica using mouse skin papilloma model, disc diffusion and DPPH methods. In phytochemical screening, Azardirchta indica extract showed presence of secondary metabolites such as carbohydrate, tannins etc. In anticarcinogenic studies, the Tumour incidence was 100% in control group which was reduced in treated group and remains 60.0%. in Control group the papilloma appeared early i.e on 5th week which was increased week wise and finally reaches upto 26 in numbers, whereas it was 9 on treated group by the same time. Results denote the anticarcinogenic, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the Azardirchta indica leaves extracts. The Azardirchta indica leaves extracts possessed potent hydroxyl radical scavenging activity against the positive control Ascorbic acid. The antibacterial activities were also observed against the test organisms.

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