
The system of neuropeptides has a significant impact on different functions of the central nervous system, acting as a launching ground for the development of new generation drugs that have a complex therapeutic effect in mood disorders, nociception, reproductive behavior with minimal side effects, which is confirmed by the data of a number of preclinical studies. The review considers a promising neuropeptide system of the RF-amide family, which can become the basis for the development of new drugs, complementing the therapeutic possibilities of physiologically active substances with a more selective effect on certain pathological processes. The main groups of neuropeptides of the RF-system were identified: neuropeptides FF, 26 RF-amides, kisspeptins, prolactin-releasing and gonadotropin-inhibiting peptides. For each of these groups descriptions of biological effects are presented, including antinoceptive action, influence on the regulation of energy homeostasis, influence on reproductive behavior, etc. A number of non-peptide ligands for RF-amide receptors developed and available for research have been identified.

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