
Kenechukwu FC, Mbah CJ, Momoh MA, Chime SA, Umeyor CE and Ogbonna JDN Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.


  • Convulsion, a common chronic neurological condition due to sudden excessive disorderly discharge from the cerebral neurons (Kabir et al, 2005) and characterized by recurrent unprovoked epileptic seizures, has become the most serious disorder, which accounts for about 1% of the world’s burden of diseases (Hema et al, 2009) affecting approximately 40-50 million people worldwide (Fisher et al, 2005; Njamnshi et al, 2010)

  • This study examined the antiepileptic activity of Clausena anisata root bark, stem bark and leaf ethanolic extracts (i.e. Clausena anisata ethanolic root bark extract (CARE), Clausena anisata ethanolic stem bark extract (CASE) and Clausena anisata ethanolic leaves extract (CALE) respectively) against pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced seizures in mice

  • This study suggests that the ethanolic root bark extract of Clausena anisata contains bioactive constituents that may be beneficial in petit mal epilepsy and lend pharmacological credence to the ethnomedical claim for the use of the plant in the management of epilepsy

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Convulsion, a common chronic neurological condition due to sudden excessive disorderly discharge from the cerebral neurons (Kabir et al, 2005) and characterized by recurrent unprovoked epileptic seizures, has become the most serious disorder, which accounts for about 1% of the world’s burden of diseases (Hema et al, 2009) affecting approximately 40-50 million people worldwide (Fisher et al, 2005; Njamnshi et al, 2010). The traditional medicinal value of various morphological parts of Clausena anisata have been reported to be useful as effective remedies against parasitic infections, especially flatworm infestations, such as taeniasis and schistosomiasis, as well as in eye complaints; influenza and other respiratory ailments; heart disorders and hypertension; abdominal cramps, constipation and gastroenteritis; hepatic diseases causing bad breath; malaria; diabetes; fevers and pyrexia; boils, rheumatism, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions; headaches, body pains, toothaches and swollen gums; convulsions and some mental disorders; impotence and sterility; blood tonic; and dysentery in cattle (Hamza et al, 2006; Moshi et al, 2005, Uwaifo, 1984; Ekundayo, 1986; Chakraborty et al, 1995; Ito et al, 2000; Mester et al, 1977; Okunade, 1987; Ojewole, 2002). In future the development of formulation by this plant constituents will give good anti-convulsion drug at lower cost

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