
Shibb-e-Yamani (Alum) commonly known as phitkari is a mineral origin drug. It has been used in Unani system of medicine from time immemorial. The earliest discussion of Alum can be traced back in the works of ancient Greek physician Dioscorides subsequently described by Arab physicians especially by Razi in detail. Alum is a colorless, transparent, odorless crystalline mass with a sweetish astringent taste having astringent, haemostatic, caustic, styptic, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties. It is therapeutically used in various diseases like leucorrhoea, haematuria, haemoptysis, menorrhagia and other haemorrhages. It is externally used in a number of diseases such as uterine and anal prolapse, bleeding from nose, gums, vagina and rectum, excessive sweating in armpits, groins and soles of the feet. This review is an attempt to compile and document information on different aspects of Shibb-e-Yamani (Alum) mentioned in classical Unani as well as contemporary literature.The mineral drug has been suggested to be taken up for further scientific investigations so as to validate the medicinal claims presented herein and to utilize its maximum therapeutic potential.

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