
The roots of Valeriana officinalis were extracted by various solvent extraction procedures and the fractions prepared were tested for their biological activity in an attempt to isolate the most active constituents. Two fractions, V103 and V115, both showed some ability to potentiate the pentobarbital sleeping time in rats. The V115 fraction was also shown to possess greater hypotensive properties than V103. Countercurrent distribution extraction of V115 yielded three fractions, one of which produced hypertensive effects and the other two produced hypotensive effects. Due to inability to reproduce another active V115 fraction, V103 was selected for further testing. The V103 fraction depressed the general activity of rats without producing sleep, exhibited respiratory depressant properties, and produced hypotensive effects in rats, rabbits, cats, and dogs. V103 appears to produce hypotension partly through parasympathomimetic activity and blockage of the carotid sinus reflex. It inhibited the activity of isolated intestinal tissue at low doses and produced a secondary stimulant effect at higher doses which could be blocked by atropine. V103 is relatively nontoxic.

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