
13557 Chronotherapy studies in pretreated CRC cancer pts showed that 6 hrs chronomodulated CPT11 infusion from 2 to 8 a.m., alone or combined with 5FU+AF±OHP, is less toxic than the standard 90 min. infusion, and CPT11-SN38 convertion efficency is improved with an higer objective response rate. Objective of this study was evaluation of CPT11 pharmacokinetics after hepatic i.a. perfusion according to infusion time and circadian patient pattern. To evaluate patient circadian pattern, serum levels of prolactin and cortisol were detected at 2–6, 4 pm and 2–6, 4 -8 pm respectively. CPT11 and SN38 serum levels were detected, according to two different time schedules, following the HPLC method. Every pt received 240 mg/mq i.a. CPT11 perfusion alternating daily with nightly schedule: from NOV04 to FEB05 5 metastatic CRC patients were treated. All pts concluded all programmed cycles. No cycle was delayed due to toxicity. Haematological, hepatic and g.i. G 3–4 (NCI) toxicity were not observed (only neutropenia G1 in the female subject). Circadian organization seems to be progressively lost according to cycle number. At 3rd cycle, cyrcadian levels of cortisol and prolactin are lost in all pts. Kinetic data suggests for a progressive reduction of liver enzymatic capability; this is probably due to cumulative liver drug toxicity: this phenomenon is clearly evidenced in female subject but is also signicative in the male subjects (see Table). These preliminary data show enormous PK/PD interpatient variability and a significative AUC reduction 2nd cycle vs 1st and 3rd vs 2nd; due to this unespected observation we are not able to evaluate cyrcadian oscillation of enzymatic systems: in order to fully understand these data we decided to perform polimorphism assesment for UGT1A1,Carboxil Esterase isoform2 and ABC transporters genes.This analysis will be performed on paraffin included samples for the first 5 pts and on fresh tissue for the next pt set. [Table: see text] No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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