
Sartoris DJ, Goodwin DA, Meares CF, DeRiemer LH, Fajardo LF. Invest Radiol 1984;19:221-227. 111In-BLEDTA is a bleomycin-containing radiopharrmaceutical that has proven useful as a tumor imaging agent. Whole blood distribution and pharmacokinetic parameters were studied in nine cancer patients, and the results compared with previously reported studies using 57Co-bleomycin. In eight patients studied by bolus intravenous injection, 111In-BLEDTA had a beta half-life (t½β) of 1.3 hours, a terminal-phase half-life (t½) of 11.7 hours, a volume of distribution (Vdγ) of 57.5L/m2, a total body clearance rate (C1b) of 52.8 ml/min/m2, a renal clearance rate (C1r) of 23.3 ml/min/m2, and a 24-hour urinary excretion of 38.1% total administered dose.111In-BLEDTA and 57Co-bleomycin have similar C1bs but differing Vds. Polymorphonuclear cell uptake of 111In-BLEDTA may explain its shorter t½βand t½, as well as its lower C1r and 24-hour urinary excretion. While the biologic characteristics of111In-BLEDTA contribute to a greater background activity than is observed in scans with 57Co-bleomycin, its superior physical properties render it clinically more desirable as a tumor-imaging radiopharmaceutical.

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