
In our previous research we studied the efficacy of amphotericin B (AMB)-Intralipid (AMB-IL) admixtures in the treatment of experimental systemic candidosis in naïve and compromised mice. In this study we evaluated the levels of AMB in blood and several organs (kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs and heart) at different times after injection (from 5 min to 14 days). Comparisons were made with levels occurring in animals treated with Fungizone or AmBisome. A sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was adapted for assaying AMB in blood and tissues. We used reversed-phased column and a simple mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and EDTA. We found that blood levels of AMB in mice injected with AMB-IL were higher than those obtained in animals treated with Fungizone, but similar to those obtained in mice administered AmBisome. Compared with conventional Fungizone therapy, administration of lipid formulations of AMB (both AMB-IL and AmBisome) resulted in higher concentrations of AMB in the liver and spleen, but lower concentrations in the kidneys and lungs.

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