
Flora in the Republic of Macedonia comprises about 3200 species in 147 families. According to some sources there are 115 endemic higher plants, of which, 114 belong to gymnosperm. According to other sources, there are 135 species of endemic plants and about 111 of which are local endemic species and 24 are stretched in the border mountains. The exact number has not been determined yet. Eastern part of Macedonia, east of the river Vardar almost poses no endemics, while the rest of the territory, west of the Vardar is very rich in such species. The richest areas with endemic plants are Galicica Mountain, Treska River Gorge and the lowlands surrounding the city of Prilep. Despite the wealth of endemic and relict species, any pharmacognostical data for these plants have not been published yet. Of all these endemic species, 30 could be pharmaconosticly interesting for future investigation of the chemical composition, isolation of potentially active substances and testing biological-pharmacological activity. Modern analytical techniques utilized in the examination of the chemistry of medicinal plants and natural products require a very small amount of material does not pose a risk of endangering endemic species. An additional challenge is the development of an appropriate program for the protection of all endemic, pharmaconosticly interesting species.


  • Asplenium macedonica AsplenidaceaeКорен: црвени пигменти од 5-6 % алканин и негови естри и пиролизидински алкалоиди

  • west of the Vardar is very rich in such species

  • the lowlands surrounding the city of Prilep

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Asplenium macedonica Asplenidaceae

Корен: црвени пигменти од 5-6 % алканин и негови естри и пиролизидински алкалоиди. Дејство: атстрингентно, антидијароично, антиоксиодантно (Assimopoulou & Papageorgiou, 2005). Корен: хинони - плумбагин, алкалоиди, антоцијанидини и др. Способност за акумуласција на метали од надворешна средина. (Allen & Hatfield , 2004; Szarek-Łukaszewska et al, 2004). Херба: токоферол, холестерол, ситостерол и стигмастерол, киселини, флавоноиди и др. Корен: полисахариди, алкалоиди, холин, бетаин, гума, тритерпеноидни сапонини, амино киселини и др. Дејство: адаптогено, антиоксиданто, антиинфламаторно и антибактериско, антивирусно, имуномодулаторно и др. (Matkowski еt al., 2003; Zheng et al, 1998) Дејство: адаптогено, антиоксиданто, антиинфламаторно и антибактериско, антивирусно, имуномодулаторно и др. (Matkowski еt al., 2003; Zheng et al, 1998)

10. Heptaptera
15. Salvia jurisicii
17. Sempervivum octopodes Turill
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