
AIM. The aim of the study was to carry out pharmacognostical investigation and HPTLC profile of the root bark and stem bark of C. spinosa. METHODS. Root bark and stem bark were collected from Kalakkad. A few pieces were preserved in 70 % alcohol for pharmacognostical evaluation. The materials were powdered for phytochemical analysis and HPTLC was carried out on alcohol and aqueous extracts. RESULTS. The barks are identified by the presence of concentric layers of stone cells in secondary cortex and secondary phloem regions, rhomboidal type of calcium oxalate crystals in the stone cells (in root bark), fibres and presence of tanniniferous cell content in the secondary cortex and cork regions and uni to mutiseriate medullary rays. Phytochemical analysis revealed carbohydrates, glycosides, phytosterols, phenolic compounds, tannins and saponins in alcohol extract. Aqueous extract contained carbohydrates and glycosides, phenolic compounds, tannins, saponins, gums and mucilage. Petroleum ether extract contained phytosterols, fixed oils and fats. Acetone extract contained phytosterols, phenolic compounds and tannins. HPTLC confirmed the presence of Oleanolic acid glycoside in root bark. CONCLUSION. The pharmacognostical investigations help in the identification of the root bark and stem bark of C. spinosa.

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