
Context: Bryophyllum pinnatum (lam.) Kurz. widely used in traditional as well as folk medicinal systems are locally known as Panphuti. traditionally, it is used for the treatment of kidney stones, urinary tract infection, burns and diarrhoea. Aims: In the present study, pharmacognostic studies of root, stem, and leaf of B. pinnatumKurz. is carried out in order to standardize the plant for its phytochemical, phyiso-chemical and pharmacognostical. Materials and Methods: For standardization of plant material morphological and anatomical characterization was carried out. Physico-chemical parameters viz. ash content, extractive values, heavy metal content was carried out as per ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Phytochemical investigations were made to know the presence of various bioactive molecules, amino acid composition. Results: Intra-stelar and extra-stelar secondary growth with wood and periderm formation along with deposition of starch grains were observed in the pith region of the root and cortical region of the stem. Calcium oxalate crystals were also present in the cortical region of the stem. leaf lamina showed spongy parenchyma in mesophyll region and anisocytic type of stomata. anthocyanin pigment was present below epidermal cells in petiole. Physico-chemical results can be serves as quality control data. Quantitatively carbohydrate, protein, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, saponins and pro-antocyanidins were found to be present in the root, stem and leaf part of B. pinnatum (lam.) Kurz. Conclusion: the results of the study could be useful in setting some diagnostic indices for the identification and preparation of a monograph of the plant.

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