
To investigate the pharmacognostic parameter, physico-chemical parameters, fluorescence analysis, preliminary phytochemical screening, and Thin Layer Chromatographic analysis of the stem barks of the plant Embilica officinalis Gaertn. The air-dried and powder bark of the plant Embilica officinalis Gaertn (Euphorbiaceae) were studied by morphology, microscopy, florescence analysis, preliminary phytochemical screening and thin layer analysis of powdered drug. Other physicochemical parameters were also performed as per WHO guidelines. The dried powder leaves were investigated by morphology. The results of physic-chemical parameters such as loss on drying, ash values and extractive values, fluorescence analysis, preliminary phytochemical screening and TLC are summarized here. The present information on the pharmacognostic evaluation of the plant drug Embilica officinalis Gaertn delivered the qualitative and quantitative parameters serve the important information to the identity and to determine the quality and purity of the plant material in the future. It also signify the important information of the closely related other species and varieties. © 2011 IGJPS. All rights reserved.

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