
Trianthema decandra Linn., belongs to family Aizoaceae, commonly known as “Punarnavi” in Sanskrit, “Gadabandi” in Hindi, and “Vellai sharuni” in Tamil. This plant is globally distributed tropical and sub tropical regions. In India it grows in dry-soil lands. It has been known since ancient times for curative properties and has been utilized for treatment of various ailments such as burns and wounds. The roots are aperients, and said to be useful in hepatitis, asthma and suppression of the menses. A decoction of the root-bark is given as an aperient. The juice of the leaves dropped in to the nostrils relieves one-sided headache. In the present investigation, the detailed Pharmacognostic study of Trianthema decandra root is carried out to lay down the standards, which could be useful in future Forensic identification of unknown plant material. The study includes macroscopic, microscopic, preliminary phytochemical screening and physicochemical evaluation. The objective this was to characterize the unknown plant material.

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