
Periodical auditing of drug utilization is vital for the purpose of promoting rational use of drugs. So, for pharmacoepidemiological analysis of the drugs, used in skin OPD, a study was held prospectively for 3 months, in the department of Skin and Pharmacology. Data were collected from prescription form of the patients in OPD. Various parameters of utilization pattern was evaluated. The maximum number of patients belonged to age group of ---------years and lower middle class of socioeconomic status but there was no sex preponderance. Dosage, duration and frequency of therapy was recorded in more than 89% of prescriptions. the average number of drugs per prescription were 2.69 ; drugs prescribed with their generic names were 26.04% ; xed dose combinations prescribed were 36.98% and polypharmacy found were 23.3% of prescription in the OPD. The commonest dosage form were -----------. More than 80% of drugs were prescribed from hospital pharmacy. Average total cost per prescription was ---------INR in OPD; but was free of cost from hospital pharmacy.

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