
Non-linear Mixed Effects Modeling (NONMEM) was used to estimate the effects of clonazepam-valproic acid interaction on clearance values using 576 serum levels collected from 317 pediatric and adult epileptic patients (age range, 0.3-32.6 years) during their clinical routine care. Patients received the administration of clonazepam and/or valproic acid. The final model describing clonazepam clearance was CL = 144.0 TBW-0.172 1.14VPA, where CL is total body clearance (mL/kg/h); TBW is total body weight (kg); VPA = 1 for concomitant administration of valproic acid and VPA = zero otherwise. The final model describing valproic acid clearance was CL (mL/kg/h) = 17.2 TBW-0.264 DOSE0.159 0.821CZP 0.896GEN, where DOSE is the daily dose of valproic acid (mg/kg/day); CZP = 1 for concomitant administration of clonazepam and CZP = zero otherwise; GEN = 1 for female and GEN = zero otherwise. Concomitant administration of clonazepam and valproic acid resulted in a 14% increase in clonazepam clearance, and a 17.9% decrease in valproic acid clearance.

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