
In Sushruta Samhita, various medicinal plants as single and compound formulations having Vrana-Shodhana (wound cleansing) and Vrana-Ropana (wound healing) potential are enumerated. There are no published data available on these wound-healing medicinal plants of Sushruta Samhita. The effectivee management of wound is necessary in the immunocompromised and chronic wounds patients as they take more time to heal. To review and systematically analyze wound-healing medicinal plants and their modus-operandi on the basis of pharmacodynamics attributes, i.e., Rasa (taste), Veerya (potency), and Vipaka (biotransformation) in the various stages of healing. Review of Sushruta Samhita was done to gather wound-healing medicinal plants; pharmacodynamics attributes were gatherd from various Nighantus to understand their role in wound healing. The contemporary information about wound-healing mechanism was gathered from PubMed to interpitate the rational use of plants in the various stages of wound healing. The study suggests that 43 medicinal plants have Vrana-Shodhana activity, 48 have Vrana-Ropana and 62 have both Vrana-Shodhana and Vrana-Ropana potential. Medicinal plants with Vrana-Shodhana category are having predominance of Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astriengent) Rasa. Plants under Vrana-Ropana are having Madhura, Kashaya Rasa (sweet taste), Madhura Vipaka (sweet biotransform) and Sheeta Veerya (cold potency). Plants having Tikta, Kashaya Rasa, Katu Vipaka, and Sheeta Veerya may be useful in the inflammatory stage, plants having Madhura, Kashaya Rasa and Sheeta Veerya may be useful in the prolifiratory stage and plants having Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Veerya, and Madhura Vipaka may be useful in the remodeling stage. The present review will help to give the directions to the researchers for the development of effective wound-healing medicines for wounds.

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