
Background: Arka is a simple preparation mentioned by Ravana in his book, Arka Prakasha. Visuchikahara arka is a formulation indicated in Visuchika and its complications. Visuchika is type of Ama, mainly characterised by pricking type of pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhoea. The principle of treating ama is Agni-deepana (increasing the digestive fire). All the ingredients of Visuchikahara arka are having Katu rasa, Ushna veerya and Katu Vipaka. They possess deepana, pachana, anulomana properties that help in pacifying Ama-dosha by doing Agni-deepana. Aim: To develop preliminary standards for Visuchikahara arka. Materials and methods: Pippali, Pippali mula, Chavya, Chitraka, Nagara, Ajaji, Haritaki and Maricha were made into busavath churna/ coarse powder. 100ml of the powder was soaked in 200ml of Nimbu swarasa in a glass beaker for 48 hours. Later, distilled using distillation apparatus to obtain Visuchikahara arka. The prepared arka was subjected to organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. Observations and results: The results of organoleptic characters like colour, odour, taste and physico-chemical parameters like pH, specific gravity, viscosity, refractive index were carried out. Discussion and conclusion: Visuchikahara arka is mainly indicated in Visuchika. It can also be used in all types of Ama, as it mainly possess Katu rasa, Ushna veerya and Katu-Madhura Vipaka that may help in pacifying all the doshas. It may also help in increasing Agni and may help in improving digestion by its deepana and pachana actions.

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