
The concept of Smriti has been discussed in various Ayurvedic texts in wider aspects. Smriti is discussed as one among Ashta Aishwarya. Acharya Chakrapani explains Smriti as a component of Buddhi& relation with Atma, Manas. The Ayurvedic classics identified the importance of higher faculties dealing with memory and introduced a separate group of drugs namely Medhya Rasayanas. Kushmanda & Brahmi both are well known Ayurvedic herbs for their actions on the central nervous system, especially to enhance intellect, memory, and other mental faculties. Materials and methods: Granules preparation was carried out as per the general method of preparation. Result: physio chemical analysis of the present study shows pH of 7.54, 7.23, 6.57. Loss on drying(%) 20.2, 12, 3.6. Total Ash (%)0.42, 0.58, 1.34. Total fat 3.4%, 3.9%, 4.1%. respectively for three batches of Kushmandadi Granules.

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