
Introduction: Madanodaya Rasa (MDR) is a Sagandha, Bahirdhuma Kupi Pakwa Rasayana (~ Mercury and Sulphur containing Herbo-mineral formulation) which is prepared out of Sardha Sama Guna Kajjali (S.S.G.K:- 1:1½ ratio of Mercury and Sulphur) as per Rasa Manjari and Dwi Guna Kajjali (D.G.K :-1:2 ratio of Mercury and Sulphur) as per Rasa Yoga Sagara. Both the preparations have the same bhavana dravya (~triturating media) as Rakta Kamala Pushpa Swarasa (~ Red lotus flower) and utility is vrishya(~aphrodisiac). Both are unavailable in the market and its comparative study and standardization is not carried out yet, hence the present study was carried out to standardize the temperature pattern and to do instrumental analysis. Materials and Methods: S.S.G and D.G.MDR were prepared as per classical reference and the samples were subjected to XRD, FTIR and SEM-EDS. Results :-The duration of trituration of S.S.G and D.G.MDR Kajjali was 236 hrs. and 260 hrs. respectively. The duration of heating was 22 hrs., and 19 hrs. and total yield was 28 % and 14.5 % respectively. XRD showed Cubic crystalline structure with the presence of HgS in both the Kajjali and Hexagonal crystalline structure with HgS in both MDR. SEM shows the S.S.G.MDR has smallest particle size of 18.46 nm and D.G.MDR has 27.53nm. EDS shows Hg and S as the major elements. FTIR report confirms that both the batches of MDR K and MDR contain organic functional groups. Conclusion: XRD, FTIR and SEM-EDS showed not much difference in the crystalline structure.

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