
Abstract Background: Pharmaceutical sponsors and Contract research organization plays vital role in the preparation and implementation of clinical trials and give rise to ethical predicaments that pertain to various aspects such as general or genetic consent, optional research, storage and utilization of genetic data and specimens, as well as disclosure of research findings to study participants. Objective: The current investigation is to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Clinical Research Organizations and Pharmaceutical Sponsors in relation to re-use of genetic research data for future research. Study Participants and Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted on pharmaceutical sponsor and their representatives from the metro cities, India. Results: The present research encompassed N=50 of pharmaceutical sponsors and contract research organizations. Among these, 84% evinced cognizance regarding the re-use of genetic data in clinical trials. Furthermore, 62% of pharmaceutical sponsors and contract research organizations articulated apprehensions with respect to ethical and legal quandaries might arise due to the re-use of genomic data. Discussion: A considerable proportion of participants are a willingness to share and reuse genetic data for future studies. However, it is observed that the perception towards practice is low, particularly in relation to the return of genetic results and ethical concerns while storing genetic samples. Conclusion: There are presently no universally accepted international Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) guidelines in place for the management of genetic sampling and data at the global level. In India, however, ICMR regulations exist to provide direction for the use of biological materials and datasets in research.

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