
Background: Savarnakara Yoga is a herbo-mineral formulation mentioned in different Ayurvedic classics for management of shvitra. It contains Bakuchi (Psoralia corilifolia Linn.) and Haratala (Orpiment), which are well-known for their shvitrahara properties. But for better management and convenience, it was planned to convert the Lepa of Savarnakara Yoga into ointment form. Aim: To prepare Savarnakara Yoga in Lepa and ointment forms and develop their quality parameters. Materials and Methods: Lepa was prepared by using one part of Bakuchi Churna and one forth part of Ashudhdha Haratala (Orpiment) triturated with Gomutra (Cows’ urine); while Ointment was prepared using Siktha Taila as a base with the same ingredients of Lepa. Organoleptic and Physico-chemical analysis of raw drugs, intermediate and final products were carried out. Observations: Insignificant variations were found in organoleptic and physico-chemical profiles of both the forms of Savarnakara Yoga and showed alkaline nature due to Gomutra. Conclusion: Pharmaceutically, addition of Kalka remaining after Taila Paka gives more yield and better consistency to ointment. Analytical approaches used in the present study like Loss on Drying, Ash Value, Acid Insoluble Ash, Solubility, pH and percentages of Arsenic and Sulphur are useful in the quality control and standardization of Savarnakara Yoga.

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