
The Host-microbiome interactions that exist inside the gut microbiota operate in a synergistic and abnormal manner. Additionally, the normal homeostasis and functioning of gut microbiota are frequently disrupted by the intervention of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) pathogens. CRISPR-Cas (CRISPR-associated protein with clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats) recognized as a prokaryotic immune system has emerged as an effective genome-editing tool to edit and delete specific microbial genes for the expulsion of bacteria through bactericidal action. In this review, we demonstrate many functioning CRISPR-Cas systems against the anti-microbial resistance of multiple pathogens, which infiltrate the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, we discuss the advancement in the development of a phage-delivered CRISPR-Cas system for killing a gut MDR pathogen. We also discuss a combinatorial approach to use bacteriophage as a delivery system for the CRISPR-Cas gene for targeting a pathogenic community in the gut microbiome to resensitize the drug sensitivity. Finally, we discuss engineered phage as a plausible potential option for the CRISPR-Cas system for pathogenic killing and improvement of the efficacy of the system.

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