
The surpassing of the Figures is done, for Pascal, as for Péguy, by the integration of the inferior Orders and not by their exclusion. Ontology and Hermeneutics are oriented by the central Axiology of each of them. However, here is the revolutionary novelty of Péguy: by grasping the real in the mystery of the Incarnation of God made flesh, Péguy replaced, by his new opposition between the Mystical and the Political, the old traditional Augustinian dualism of the Carnal and of the Spiritual. “The Supernatural is itself Carnal.” The Carnal is restored and assumed in the Charity, and the Spiritual liberates itself from disembodied intellectualisation to find again its essential, vital place in man’s real-life experiences. It thus marks a major step of the reception in Augustinism and the History of Christianity.

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