
The PFuji-Size dataset is comprised of a collection of 3D point clouds of Fuji apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Fuji) scanned at different maturity stages and annotated for fruit detection and size estimation. Structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo techniques were used to generate the 3D point clouds of 6 complete Fuji apple trees containing a total of 615 apples. The resulting point clouds were 3D segmented by identifying the 3D points corresponding to each apple (3D instance segmentation), obtaining a single point cloud for each apple. All segmented apples were labelled with ground truth diameter annotations. Since the data was acquired in field conditions and at different maturity stages, the set includes different fruit diameters -from 26.9 mm to 94.8 mm- and different fruit occlusion percentages due to foliage. In addition, 25 apples were photographed 360° in laboratory conditions, obtaining high resolution 3D point clouds of this sub-set. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first publicly available dataset for apple size estimation in field conditions. This dataset was used to evaluate different fruit size estimation methods in the research article titled “In-field apple size estimation using photogrammetry-derived 3D point clouds: comparison of 4 different methods considering fruit occlusion” (Gené-Mola et al., 2021).


  • PFuji-Size dataset: A collection of images and photogrammetry-derived 3D point clouds with ground truth annotations for Fuji apple detection and size estimation in field conditions

  • The PFuji-Size dataset is comprised of a collection of 3D point clouds of Fuji apple trees

  • Structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo techniques were used to generate the 3D point clouds of 6 complete Fuji apple trees containing a total of 615 apples

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Data Article

PFuji-Size dataset: A collection of images and photogrammetry-derived 3D point clouds with ground truth annotations for Fuji apple detection and size estimation in field conditions. The PFuji-Size dataset is comprised of a collection of 3D point clouds of Fuji apple trees Sanz-Cortiella and J.R. Rosell-Polo et al / Data in Brief 39 (2021) 107629 is the first publicly available dataset for apple size estimation in field conditions. Rosell-Polo et al / Data in Brief 39 (2021) 107629 is the first publicly available dataset for apple size estimation in field conditions This dataset was used to evaluate different fruit size estimation methods in the research article titled “In-field apple size estimation using photogrammetryderived 3D point clouds: comparison of 4 different methods considering fruit occlusion” (Gené-Mola et al, 2021)

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