
Long Pulse Scenarios (LPS) in ITER foreseen during the Pre-Fusion Power Operation (PFPO) phase of the ITER Research Plan (IRP) are assessed using 1.5D transport simulations within the ASTRA framework. Such assessment is required to predict the operational space for LPS operation in PFPO, as well as to evaluate which physics processes for LPS operation during Fusion Power Operation (FPO) could be studied during PFPO. An important aspect in the development of LPSs in PFPO is to minimize lifetime consumption of the Central Solenoid (CS) for these scenarios. The maximum pulse length achievable for LPSs in PFPO with no consumption of CS lifetime (currents in CS coils ⩽30 kA per turn) has been assessed for a range of heating schemes and heating mixes, confinement regimes (L-mode and H-mode) and for helium and hydrogen plasmas. The operational space of LPS and pulse length has been explored through density scans with the Heating and Current Drive mix required for the FPO Q ⩾ 5 steady-state plasma scenario (namely Neutral Beam Injection and Electron Cyclotron Heating) including acceptable shine through losses on the first wall for both helium and hydrogen plasmas. Fast particle physics aspects that are common between FPO plasmas and LPS PFPO H-mode plasmas at low densities are studied including MHD stability analysis with the KINX code and non-perturbative critical gradient model based on high-n Toroidal Alfven Eigenmodes (TAE) stability kinetic ballooning code HINST calculations.

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