
Peutz–Jeghers' syndrome is a rare hereditary disease inherited by an autosomal dominant type, manifested by a characteristic clinical picture of skin lesions and hamartomas of the gastrointestinal tract. Complications of the disease include bleeding from polyps, anemia, intussusception and intestinal necrosis, as well as a high likelihood of developing malignant tumors. For the first time the syndrome was described at the beginning of the last century, and it is of interest to dermatologists, gastroenterologists, oncologists and surgeons due to the clinical heterogeneity of intestinal and skin manifestations. The article describes a clinical case of a 5-year-old girl with the Peutz–Jaegers syndrome. The patient complained of periodic dull abdominal pain that worsened after eating solid food. During the examination of the skin and mucous membranes the doctors discovered rashes on the face: perioral area, on the red border of the lips and on the mucous membrane of the lips, inside the cheeks, hard palate. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) revealed a polyp on a pedicle in the prepyloric part – it was removed during repeated EGDS under endotracheal anesthesia. Fibrocolonoscopy revealed hyperpigmentation of the dome of the cecum. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctors carried out DNA testing which found a mutation of the STK11 gene. Pigmentation of the perioral area is an early symptom of Peutz–Jeghers' syndrome suggesting optimal examination. Early recognition of the syndrome in children is important in the context of reducing the risk of developing intestinal obstruction, bleeding, and cancer complications in the future.


  • Peutz–Jeghers' syndrome is a rare hereditary disease inherited by an autosomal dominant type, manifested by a characteristic clinical picture of skin lesions and hamartomas of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) revealed a polyp on a pedicle in the prepyloric part – it was removed during repeated EGDS under endotracheal anesthesia

  • The doctors carried out DNA testing which found a mutation of the STK11 gene

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История вопроса

Автором первого упоминания о заболевании, в последствии названного синдромом Пейтца– Егерса, был J.T. Опубликовал в журнале Lancet свои наблюдения за сестрами-близнецами с пигментацией губ [12]. J. Peutz наблюдал голландскую семью с полипозом желудочно-кишечного тракта и первым обратил внимание на наследственную природу этого заболевания [15]. Описали 10 случаев данного синдрома как отдельное заболевание и подчеркнули характерную триаду: полипоз желудочно-кишечного тракта, наследственный характер заболевания, пигментные пятна на коже и слизистых оболочках [17]. Опубликовал обстоятельный обзор, посвященный данному факоматозу [18]. Для обозначения данного заболевания предложили термин «синдром Пейтса–Егерса», который используется в научный литературе и в настоящее время [19]. В отечественной литературе данный синдром часто называется «синдром Пейтса–Егерса–Турена». Touraine имеет исторический аспект и признание заслуг исследователя в понимании природы заболевания [18]

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