
Parolly, G. & Nordt, B.: Peucedanum isauricum (Apiaceae), a striking new species from S Anatolia, with notes on the related P. graminifolium and P. spreitzenhoferi. — Willdenowia 34: 135–144. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.Peucedanum isauricum is described as a species new to science and illustrated. Its taxonomic position in P. sect. Palimbioidea close to P. graminifolium of N Turkey and the more distantly related P. spreitzenhoferi of the Levant is discussed. P. isauricum stands out in combining a junciform-polygonoid habit with heteromorphic, in their majority grass-like leaves. Light-microscopic photographs of transverse sections and SEM photographs of mericarps of P. isauricum and P. spreitzenhoferi are presented. P. isauricum is considered a neo-endemic and only recorded from a very localised range in the western Central Taurus near Demirtaş, Antalya province, Turkey.

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