
Petrus Thomae,1 Franciscan theologian, called doctor strenuus , invincibilis , proficuus , serenus , considered by his contemporaries magnus scotista, was born c. 1280 in Catalonia and died c. 1340 near Avignon. He studied theology at the University of Paris. Between 1317 and 1332 he was teaching philosophy and theology at the Franciscan Studium Generale of Barcelona. In 1233 he was appointed papal penitentiary in Avignon. In 1336, he was accused of sorcery, and processed and jailed in the prison of Noves, south of Avignon, where he died before 13 October 1340.2 His works, as listed by G. G. Bridges,3 with the number of manuscripts in which they survive, are: I. Commentarium in primům librum Sententiarum (one MS); II. De esse intelligibili (4 MSS); III. De ente (3 MSS); IV. Formalitātes breves et conflatiles (28 MS; first ed. H. Nucciarelli, Venice 1517); V. Quodlibet (1 MSS; ed. By E. Buytaert and M. R. Hooper, St. Bonaventure 1957); VI. De unitate minori (1 MS); VII. De divite christiano (2 MSS); VIII. Liber de originali Virginis conceptione (6 MSS; ed. Petrus de Alva, Monumenta antiqua seraphica pro Immaculata Conceptione Virginis Mariae , Lovanii 1665, 212a-274b. Add: Quaestiones in Metaphysicam Aristotelis , according to P. Kunzle.4 Recently, S. D. Dumont published question 13 of De ente.5

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