
The Maksyutov Complex consists of three fault-bounded lithologic units: a quartzofeldspathic gneiss containing mafic eclogite boudins (Unit #1); a metasedimentary blueschist-facies (Yumaguzinskaya) unit; and a meta-ophiolitic mélange (Unit #2). The geologic history of the high- to ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) assembly of the Maksyutov Complex is complicated by several stages of prolonged retrograde metamorphism and deformation. The Sakmara River exposes all three units near the former village of Karayanova. A structural/petrologic cross-section through the area yields new quantitative data for the complex and, regionally, for the south Urals. Analysis of the Karayanova area has identified the major structures. Regional folding within the complex is parallel to the dominant foliation trending northeast–southwest. Stereonet data show that, during exhumation, this large-scale folding was refolded about axes trending southeast. Unit #1 and the Yumaguzinskaya are tectonically and petrologically distinct units juxtaposed by west-vergent thrusting and recrystallization within the same subduction zone. A shear zone developed later between Unit #2 and the Unit #1+Yumaguzinskaya tectonic package accompanying exhumation. Field relations and petrofabric demonstrate that blueschist-facies recrystallization overprinted an earlier eclogite-facies metamorphism. Thermobarometric measurements yield P– T values of 594–637°C, 1.5–1.7 GPa for eclogite, but these conditions may reflect annealing during the early-stage exhumation at ∼375 Ma. Cuboid graphite aggregates testify to precursor conditions for Unit #1 within the diamond stability field, if such textures are correctly interpreted. Measured 18 O/ 16 O partitioning between pairs of coexisting phases yield three main recrystallization temperature ranges: (1) 678±83°C, attending Unit #1 eclogite-facies metamorphism; (2) 453±17°C, during transitional blueschist/greenschist-facies metamorphism for the amalgamated Unit #1+Yumaguzinskaya+Unit #2 assembly; and (3) 250±68°C, reflecting late-stage hydrothermal alteration and exhumation. Oxygen isotope data for Units #1 and #2 indicate that garnet, blue amphibole, and pyroxene crystallized in isotopic equilibrium, validating previous thermobarometric calculations for a Unit #1 retrograde metamorphic event. Variations in δ 18 O values for phengites suggest the possibility of late metamorphic fluid infiltration. Retrograde recrystallization at high pressure in the presence of fluids and a calculated slow exhumation rate for the Maksyutov Complex account for the fact that inferred UHP coesite and diamond were completely back-reacted during decompression.

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