
We present here comprehensive petromineralogic, mineral magnetic and lithologic observations from five stratigraphic sections representing the Barail Group, Middle and Upper units of Bhuban Formation, Bokabil Formation and Tipam Group in the Mizoram area. These stratigraphic units mainly display interplay of the grey and buff colored sandstones of the clast compositions varying from sub-lithic to lithic arenites (Q79F4L17 to Q55F3L42) including sedimentary, meta-sedimentary and subordinate igneous rock fragments. The buff sandstones with higher lithic fragments [Q69F4L27 (Ls61Lm38Lv1)] are dominated by recycled components with higher clast angularity (VA1A15SA51SR24R8WR0.4) relative to the grey sandstones. Mineral magnetic studies decipher bimodal (ferri- and antiferromagnetic) mineralogy with higher concentration in buff sandstones relative to the unimodal ferrimagnetic nature of the grey sandstones. The study infers that the buff sandstones mark the regressive phases driven by hinterland uplifts; whereas the growth of the grey sandstone facies is marked by transgressive basinal processes. Gradual increase in the frequency and appearance of the buff sandstones in the Surma stratigraphy, therefore, can be related to the evolution of the Indo-Burmese ranges.

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