
We present petrology, U-Pb titanite geochronology, bulk-rock and Sr-Nd geochemistry of an undeformed and unmetamorphosed shoshonitic lamprophyre (spessartite) from the Mysuru area (Halaguru- Harohalli alkaline province) located approximately 80 km north of the tectonic contact between the Western Dharwar Craton and the Southern Granulite Terrane, southern India, to understand its origin and to evaluate its geodynamic significance. The lamprophyre shows a typical porphyritic-panidiomorphic texture with amphibole phenocrysts. Clinopyroxene occurs only as xenocrysts with feldspar, apatite, titanite and titano-magnetite confined to the groundmass. Amphibole mineral composition classifies them as pargasite and tremolite, and the groundmass is essentially constituted of alkali feldspar. High whole-rock Mg# (56–65), Ni + Cr (245 to 730 ppm), a lack of correlation between SiO2 and Rb/Sr as well as ɛNd(i) indicates that crustal contamination experienced by the lamprophyre magma is limited. U-Pb titanite (n = 18) SHRIMP-II dating yielded a Neoproterozoic Tera-Wasserburg concordia age of 820 ± 15 Ma (MSWD = 5.9). Whole-rock derived 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70425–0.70530) and ɛNd(i) (-6.3 to −4.3) suggest origin of the lamprophyre from an enriched lithospheric mantle source. Paleoproterozoic depleted-mantle model ages of ca. 1.8 Ga suggest the existence of a long-lived enriched mantle which correspond to the timing (ca.1.9–1.7 Ga) of widespread mafic dyke swarms’ emplacement in the Dharmapuri-Agali-Tiruvannamalai domain in the Salem block at the northernmost portion of the Southern Granulite Terrane. The Tonian emplacement age of the studied lamprophyre is synchronous with several co-spatial Neoproterozoic (i) alkaline complexes ± carbonatite ± lamprophyre from the northern part of the Southern Granulite Terrane, and (ii) other mafic alkaline dykes of the Halaguru-Harohalli alkaline province from the southern part of the Eastern Dharwar Craton. Our results highlight the importance of this lamprophyre dyke, present close to the’Fermor Line’ as well as near the boundary between Eastern and Western Dharwar Cratons, which provides a rare opportunity to understand its spatio-temporal link with alkaline dykes of the Southern Granulite Terrain. Our findings also help understand the role of repeated large-scale rifting, associated with the Rodinia break-up, leading to the generation of a wide spectrum of Tonian-Cryogenian alkaline magmas in southern Indian Shield. The new age data also have implications for the configuration of India’s paleoposition during the Neoproterozoic and support the idea that South China Block-India were located on the periphery of Rodinia or were already detached from the supercontinent.

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