
Plutonic rocks found at the Apollo 14 site comprise four lithologic suites: the magnesian suite, the alkali suite, evolved lithologies, and the ferroan anorthosite suite (FAN). Rocks of the magnesian suite include troctolite, anorthosite, norite, dunite, and harzburgite; they are charaterized by plagioclase ≈An95 and mafic minerals with mg#s 82–92. Alkali suite rocks and evolved rocks generally have plagioclase ≈An90 to ≈An40 and mafic minerals with mg#s 82–40. Lithologies include anorthosite, norite, quartz monzodiorite, granite, and felsite. Ferroan anorthosites have plagioclase ≈An96 and mafic minerals with mg#s 45–70. Whole rock geochemical data show that most magnesian suite samples and all alkali anorthosites are cumulates with little or no trapped liquid component. Norites may contain significant trapped liquid component, and some alkali norites may represent cumulate‐enriched, near‐liquid compositions, similar to KREEP basalt 15386. Evolved lithologies include evolved partial cumulates related to alkali suite fractionation (quartz monzodiorite), immiscible melts derived from these evolved magmas (granites), and impact melts of preexisting granite (felsite). Plots of whole rock mg# versus whole rock Ca/(Ca + Na + K) show a distinct gap between rocks of the magnesian suite and rocks of the alkali suite, suggesting either distinct parent magmas or distinct physical processes of formation. Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns show that rocks of both the magnesian suite and alkali suite have similar ranges, despite the large difference in major element chemistry. Current models for the origin of the magnesian suite call for a komatiitic parent magma derived from early magma ocean cumulates; these melts must assimilate plagiophile elements to form troctolites at low pressures and must assimilate a highly enriched KREEP component so that the resulting mixture has REE concentrations similar to high‐K KREEP. There are as yet no plausible scenarios that can explain these unusual requirements. We propose that partial melting of a primitive lunar interior and buffering of these melts by ultramagnesian early magma ocean cumulates provides a more reasonable pathway to form magnesian troctolites. Alkali anorthosites and norites formed by crystallization of a parent magma with major element compositions similar to KREEP basalt 15386. If the parent magma of the alkali suite and evolved rocks is related to the magnesian suite, then that magma must have evolved through combined assimilation‐fractional crystallization processes to form the alkali suite cumulates.

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